General Questions

  • When is #NSGSCon 2024?

    January 8th and 9th, 2024.

  • Where is #NSGSCon 2024?

    In Downtown DC at YoursTruly Hotel.

  • Who is welcome to attend #NSGSCon?

    If you are committed to competent diversity in national security and defense and our Code of Conduct, #NSGSCon 2024 is for you!

    Intentional bigots, particularly white supremacists, racists, fascists, homophobes, xenophobes, transphobes, and/or anti-semites are not welcome nor are they entitled to refunds. Any ticket purchased by someone attempting to undermine this celebration of our community will be immediately redirected to the scholarship fund. 🦄

  • Why should I attend #NSGSCon 2024?

    #NSGSCon is like national security camp. Everyone is nice (it’s a requirement), the conversations and interactions don’t confuse putting on airs with intellectual rigor, and it’s a wonderful reminder of why we all got into this work in the first place.

  • I don’t want to buy a ticket just to listen to other people talk.

    Okay good, because if you did there would be something wrong with you. Probably.

    #NSGSCon is interactive. You get out of it what you put into it, and it’s not your ‘usual’ conference. This is about professional development, problem solving, and community building. If you haven’t made meaningful progress on a personal goal over the course of #NSGSCon (that includes you, too, introverts!), we’d be shocked.

  • What kind of opportunities are there for participants?

    In addition to lots of scheduled networking time, a career fair, and more interactive working sessions than presentations, #NSGSCon ticket holders can sign up to introduce main stage sessions (and themselves), moderate panels, even speak on the agenda or host side events. We also strongly encourage (borderline require) every single person to have an ‘ask’ on their nametag. Looking for a job? Trying to find a specific person? Wondering if you should get a PhD? Put it out there.

Ticket Questions

  • What is included with my ticket?

    #NSGSCon tickets include access to the physical event, some swag, food, and access to a special #NSGSCon section of Herd Mentality, the official #NatSecGirlSquad platform.

    There will be some cool add-ons available during #NSGSCon (professional headshots, yoga classes, skincare, manicures, etc.). You can book paid appointments with those individuals through Herd Mentality after Thanksgiving.

  • How do I purchase my ticket?

    Tickets can be purchased right here. If you would be better supported by purchasing a ticket over the phone, please email and we will schedule a time to securely process your order.

  • Is there sales tax associated with my ticket?

    Yes. You will be charged sales tax at checkout depending on your address (state or otherwise), per US tax policy. The #NatSecGirlSquad team has no access to your payment information; payment is handled entirely by Stripe.

  • How are ticket prices calculated?

#NSGSCon costs just a few cents under $500 per person to put on, or $250/person/day. The ticket price structure uses public salary data by sector and experience to set prices that just about average out to this cost.

About #NatSecGirlSquad and Membership Benefits at #NSGSCon

  • Where can I find out more about #NatSecGirlSquad, your work, membership, etc.?

#NatSecGirlSquad is a project of Unicorn Strategies. Visit our website here.

  • Will dues-paying members get special stuff at #NSGSCon ?

    Yes. Community Dinners, Panel Intros/Pitches and Member Spotlights will be led by and feature members. Members will be loaded onto the Herd Mentality #NSGSCon section first. This means they’ll get juicy details, freebies, and sign-up access ahead of non-members. Dues-paying members who opt-in to the Resume Book will be placed in a special section. They will also get “first-dibs” on Breakout Session choices and early access sign-ups for office hours.

  • My institution, agency, department, company, or non-profit wants to be involved in #NSGSCon. How can we do that?

That would be fabulous. There are lots of options from display booths to side events. You can send us a note here.

General Expectations

  • Where can I see the agenda and learn more about the speakers?

We’ll be updating the agenda here, and you can see previous agendas for reference here. The agenda is updated as appropriate. Speakers bios and social media handles (if appropriate) will be hyperlinked.

  • How can I see what government agencies, mission-driven organizations, and academic institutions will be at #NSGSCon in an official capacity?

The Partners page! Most federal partners won’t be added to this page until after the federal government is funded through the date of the conference.

  • How can I be a mentor?

We’re so thrilled you’re willing to share your time and expertise with the community! You can designate yourself as a mentor, and list your availability, via Herd Mentality, after snagging your ticket.

  •  Do I need to sign up for the events and panels I would like to attend?

Yes. All sign-ups will be on Herd Mentality after ticket sales close. 

  • How do I sign up for speed mentoring, career coaching, resume reviews, etc.?

Sign-ups for all events will be on Herd Mentality. Herd Mentality will also allow you to directly message others if you would like to set up a time to chat with them, you can do so!

  • Will Maggie be holding office hours during #NSGSCon?

All #NatSecGirlSquad team members will have office hours during #NSGSCon ! Registration will be on Herd Mentality, and some time will be saved for day-of registration.

  • What’s the hashtag?

We thought you’d never ask 😜 #NatSecGirlSquad and  #NSGSCon.

  • Will there be merch this year?

Absolutely! You can find general merch on this page - we’ll be adding to the collection as we get closer to the drop date for #NSGSCon 2024. There will also be some pretty great stuff given to all attendees.

  • What are the expectations when I join events?

We’ll be listing some best practices on Herd Mentality, and sharing some specifics on how to best prep in pre-Con communications. Generally, though, do what you feel comfortable with! And most importantly, be yourself, have fun, and be respectful.

  • Are children allowed to come?

Absolutely, in fact, we welcome them! We’ll be providing licensed, bonded, and insured childcare as an option for people who bring kids. We do this every year. We also totally welcome kids in sessions - it’s about what works for you. More info will be made available via Herd Mentality.


Yes. You can read it here. It is the same Code of Conduct we use for our membership community and all events. By purchasing a membership or a ticket you are consenting to uphold the Code of Conduct. If you are unwilling to do so, you can just not show up :)

  • How should I respond if something seems suspicious or someone is behaving in a way that makes me uncomfortable?

Trust. Your. Gut. 

Just like has been the case in past years, the #NatSecGirlSquad Code of Conduct is in effect. Any behavior that is not compliant with the Code of Conduct will not be tolerated. In 6 years of #NSGSCon we’ve never had an issue and we intend to keep it that way.

There will be clearly identified security and Member POCs IRL. You should feel empowered to report or flag any interactions during #NSGSCon that make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. NSGS Staff Members are on Herd Mentality and Members should reach out to those moderators whenever you feel the need in the lead up .

  • Is #NSGSCon on the record?

#NatSecGirlSquad loves and supports the many badass women in national security and defense journalism and the protection of classified information. Herd Mentality and #NSGSCon is an unclassified platform.

Main Stage Events are on the record, as are any conversations that take place in the clearly labeled Press Room. Breakout Sessions are Chatham House Rules. Everything else is off-the-record unless explicitly agreed to.

  • What is the dress code?

You should wear whatever you feel like your best self in. If that means leggings or yoga pants, great! If that means a suit, great! Outfit of the Day (OOTD) posts are strongly encouraged.

  • How formal is #NSGSCon? Are Speakers available to attendees?

We’re less interested in formality than we are in intentional kindness. Respect people’s boundaries. Everyone participating in #NSGSCon is interested in building community and supporting one another. Each attendee, including speakers, have their very own Herd Mentality profile. Want to meet someone? Send them a message ahead time or introduce yourself IRL! Can’t make it happen during #NSGSCon 2024? Don’t worry- you have 12 whole months!

Getting Involved

  • My institution, agency, department, company, or non-profit wants to be involved in #NSGSCon. How can we do that?

That would be fabulous. There are lots of options from display booths to side events. You can send us a note here.

  • I’m an employer. How can I get a booth or partner with you?

That would be great! Check out the partnership offerings here. You can also contact Sabrina F, at

Other Stuff

  • My academic institution or employer is partnering for #NSGSCon. How do I access my discounted tickets?

Your institution or employer should have provided you with your discount code. Enter that code at checkout and you’re good to go! 

  • How can I encourage my employer to pay for my attendance?

#NSGSCon is a fantastic professional development opportunity for you, which will ultimately be a benefit for your employer. Employers typically have a budget for such conferences. You know your employer best, but there is a sample Justification Letter on Herd Mentality.

  • Where is all the data from the order forms (my name, address, contact information, etc.) going? Who has access to it?

#NatSecGirlSquad uses this data to verify your identity, after which only your email address and name are saved.

In the weeks leading up to #NSGSCon, #NatSecGirlSquad will reach out to you via the email address you provided so you can get all the info you need.

Following #NSGSCon , Unicorn Strategies / #NatSecGirlSquad will keep your name and email address on file should we need to contact you for any reason related to #NSGSCon , and ONLY related to the event. This information will never be shared without your express written consent. All attendees will have the opportunity to affirmatively opt into any other communication types - including from employers, etc. on Herd Mentality and at the event.

  •  I am a member of the press and I am interested in attending #NSGSCon to cover the event. How can I get a press ticket?

Wonderful- we would be thrilled to have you! Send an email to and we’ll get you squared away. 

  • I really want to attend #NSGSCon but ticket prices are more than I can afford and my employer/academic institution/community organization is not a partner. Are you offering scholarships?

If this applies to you and you missed the ‘Pay-What-You-Can’ window (1 August - 1 November), keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities. If we can afford to make more scholarship tickets available and there is still space at the venue, we will do so in early January. No promises.

In the meantime, we have some suggestions that have worked for others in the past:

-Check with your supervisor and see if they can cover all or some of your ticket costs. Most companies, departments, and academic and civil society institutions have professional development budgets for staff and employees. Similarly, for students, career centers and academic departments often have funds available.

-Check out grant opportunities from organizations like AAUW, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Scholarship Fund, and Spookstock Foundation.

-If you’re not a member of any of the dozens of organizations we are partnering with to offer discounts, you can’t find anyone to help cover the cost, and don’t want to wait and see how full-scholarships shake out, we do offer full access to Community Members who work a shift at registration or in other volunteer capacities. Interested? Email Sabrina F at - she’ll get back to you after Thanksgiving.

  • I purchased a ticket. How do I know my ticket is confirmed?.

Yay! You’ll see some ‘Next Steps’ on the screen but here’s the run down…

First, Stripe runs the purchase. At the same time, you’ll get an automated confirmation from #NSGSCon via MailChimp (make sure you check your Spam). This email will have important stuff in it, and it will 100% go out to the email address you provide.

Once Stripe lets us know your order is verified (you’re not a bot), we’ll get to work using the information you provided to hard confirm you are who you say you are.

If there’s a typo in your email address, let us know ASAP by contacting Sabrina F at Include a screenshot of your Stripe charge, a rundown of what kind of ticket you ordered, and as much info as you can.

  • I bought a ticket, but can only attend for a part of each day. Is that ok? 

Yes! Attendees are welcome to attend which events they would like to. Just make sure you head to the registration table when you first arrive, and that you have your lanyard and badge within you (and visible!) at all times.

  • Can I get a refund?

If we are not able to verify your identity and you provided information in good faith we will reach out to you to determine the next steps.

  • I would like to buy a ticket on behalf of someone else, or buy additional tickets for other people. How do I do this?

This is a wonderful offer - and goes an ENORMOUS way to ensuring #NatSecGirlSquad remains focused on intentional inclusivity. Simply fill out the ticket order as if you’re that person to the best of your ability (i.e, are they a member, number of days, etc.). Then forward your receipt with the name and email address of the intended recipient to .

Someone from our team will be in touch probably faster than it will take you to read this FAQ.

  • When is the deadline to buy tickets?

We really recommend purchasing or reserving early. Prices go up the closer we get to the Conference. If the link is live, jump! Usually we close ticket sales ~3 weeks out, but there is a significant chance it will be earlier this time around.


  • Is #NSGSCon ADA+ compliant?

Yes. Accessibility is extremely important to us. We are proactively ensuring #NSGSCon is intentionally welcoming and can be easily tailored to support individual and communal needs. For example, this means building the schedule in a way that encourages frequent breaks, various kinds of physical activity, mindfulness opportunities, and as many methods of delivery as we can do well.

For the in-person component, we’re eliminating/limiting blue light- and we promise no strobe/flash/etc. There will be ASL interpreters, we are setting up the physical space to enthusiastically welcome mobility devices, service animals, and various stimulus thresholds.

After you buy your ticket and are confirmed, there will be next steps for accessibility information. Additionally, each attendee will have the opportunity to fill out accessibility information. We are intentionally soliciting this information separately from attendee order data because it is not relevant for identity verification purposes, and we want to be able to share anonymized aggregated accessibility needs with our team of partners (i.e, how many interpreters do we need, how many people need their own elevator keys, etc.) so that all content is accessible. 

If you would prefer to speak with us directly prior to submitting your order, we welcome your message at . 

Will there be an interpreter at #NSGSCon?

We do have an existing relationship with interpreters and are ready to deploy them. We ask that you drop us a line at as soon as your purchase your ticket so we can coordinate with our interpreter and make sure we have everything ready to go!  If there is anything else you may need, please send an email to and we will work with you.

I Still Have a Question!